
发布日期:2018-01-11 09:55:58 阅读数:873

Scientists from Griffith University(Australia) have overcome a major challenge connected to Einstein's 'spookyaction at a distance' effect.



A team from Griffith's Centre for QuantumDynamics in Australia have demonstrated how to rigorously test if pairs ofphotons - particles of light - display Einstein's "spooky action at adistance", even under adverse conditions that mimic those outside the lab.



They demonstrated that the effect, alsoknown as quantum nonlocality, can still be verified even when many ofthe photons are lost by absorption or scattering as they travel from source todestination through an optical fiber channel. The experimental study andtechniques are published in the journal ScienceAdvances.

他们证明了这种量子非局域性效应,即使当许多光子经由光纤通道从源到目的地被吸收或散射损失时,仍可被验证。实验研究和技术发表在《Science Advances》杂志上。


Quantum nonlocality is important in thedevelopment of new global quantum information networks, which will have transmissionsecurity guaranteed by the laws of physics. These are the networks wherepowerful quantum computers can be linked.



Photons can be used to form a quantum linkbetween two locations by making a pair of photons that are"entangled" - so that measuring one determines the properties of itstwin - and then sending one along a communication channel.



Team leader Professor Geoff Pryde said aquantum link had to pass a demanding test that confirmed the presence ofquantum nonlocality between particles at either end.

团队负责人Geoff Pryde教授表示,量子链必须通过证明两端粒子之间存在量子非局域性的严格的测试。


"Failing the test means aneavesdropper might be infiltrating the network," he said.



"As the length of quantum channelgrows, less and less photons successfully pass through the link, because nomaterial is perfectly transparent and absorption and scattering take theirtoll.



"This is a problem for existingquantum nonlocality verification techniques with photons. Every photon lostmakes it easier for the eavesdropper to break the security by mimickingentanglement."



Developing a method to test entanglementin presence of loss has been an outstanding challenge for the scientificcommunity for quite some time.



The team used a different approach -quantum teleportation - to overcome the problem of lost photons.



Dr Morgan Weston, first author of thestudy, said they selected the few photons that survived the high-loss channeland teleported those lucky photons into another clean and efficient, quantum channel.

这项研究的第一作者摩根·韦斯顿(Morgan Weston)博士说,他们选择了在高损失频道中幸存的少量光子,并将这些幸运光子传送到另一个清洁高效的量子信道。


"There, the chosen verification test,called quantum steering, could be done without any problem," she said.



Spooky 幽灵的

Quantum 量子

Rigorously 严厉地

Photon 光子

Mimic 模仿

Nonlocality 非局域性

Absorption 吸收

Optical 光学的

Fiber 纤维

Channel 通道

Transmission 传输

Entangled 纠缠的

Eavesdropper 窃听者

Infiltrate 深入

Scatter 散、撒









注:数独是一种源自 18 世纪末的瑞士数学家欧拉所创造的拉丁方块游戏。传数独源起于拉丁方阵( Latin Square ), 1970 年代在美国发展,改名为数字拼图( Number Place )、之后流传至日本并发扬光大,以数学智力游戏智力拼图游戏发表。在 1984 年一本游戏杂志《パズル通信ニコリ》正式把它命名为数独,意思是“在每一格只有一个数字”。后来一位前任香港高等法院的新西兰籍法官高乐德( Wayne Gould )在 1997 年 3 月到日本东京旅游时,无意中发现了。他首先在英国的《泰晤士报》上发表,不久其他报纸也发表,很快便风靡全英国,之后他用了 6 年时间编写了电脑程式,并将它放在网站上,使这个游戏很快在全世界流行