
发布日期:2018-01-03 14:30:50 阅读数:854


This flat metalens is the first singlelens that can focus the entire visible spectrum of light -- including whitelight -- in the same spot and in high resolution. It uses arrays of titaniumdioxide nanofins to equally focus wavelengths of light and eliminate chromaticaberration.



Metalenses—flat surfaces that usenanostructures to focus light—promise to revolutionize optics by replacing thebulky, curved lenses currently used in optical devices with a simple, flatsurface. But, these metalenses have remained limited in the spectrum of lightthey can focus well. Now a team of researchers at the Harvard John A. PaulsonSchool of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has developed the firstsingle lens that can focus the entire visible spectrum of light—including whitelight—in the same spot and in high resolution. This has only ever been achievedin conventional lenses by stacking multiple lenses.

超透镜(Metalenses)具有平坦表面,能利用纳米结构聚焦光线,通过用简单平坦的表面代替目前在光学器件中使用的庞大的弯曲透镜来保证光学革命。但是,超透镜(Metalenses)聚焦在特定光谱范围内保证精准聚焦。目前,哈佛大学John A. Paulson工程与应用科学学院(SEAS)的一个研究小组开发出了第一个单焦点镜头,它可以将同一光斑和高分辨率下的整个可见光谱(包括白光)聚焦。此前这只能通过堆叠多个透镜才能在传统的透镜中实现。


The research is published in NatureNanotechnology.

这项研究发表在Nature Nanotechnology上。


Focusing the entire visible spectrum andwhite light - combination of all the colors ofthe spectrum—is so challenging because each wavelength moves through materials at differentspeeds. Red wavelengths, for example, will move through glass faster than theblue, so the two colors will reach the same location at different timesresulting in different foci. This creates image distortions known as chromaticaberrations.



Cameras and optical instruments usemultiple curved lenses of different thicknesses and materials to correct theseaberrations, which, of course, adds to the bulk of the device.



"Metalenses have advantages overtraditional lenses," says Federico Capasso, the Robert L. WallaceProfessor of Applied Physics and Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow inElectrical Engineering at SEAS and senior author of the research. "Metalensesare thin, easy to fabricate and cost effective. This breakthrough extends thoseadvantages across the whole visible range of light. This is the next bigstep."

应用物理学Robert L. Wallace教授、也是SEAS电机工程Vinton Hayes高级研究员,同时也是该研究的高级作者Federico Capasso说:“超透镜(Metalenses)比传统镜头具有优势。 “超透镜(Metalenses)较薄,易于制造,成本效益高,这一突破可以将这些优势延伸到整个可见光范围,是下一个重大步骤。


The Harvard Office of TechnologyDevelopment (OTD) has protected the intellectual property relating to thisproject and is exploring commercialization opportunities.



The metalenses developed by Capasso andhis team use arrays of titanium dioxide nanofins to equally focus wavelengthsof light and eliminate chromatic aberration. Previous research demonstratedthat different wavelengths of light could be focused but at different distancesby optimizing the shape, width, distance, and height of the nanofins. In thislatest design, the researchers created units of paired nanofins that controlthe speed of different wavelengths of light simultaneously. The paired nanofinscontrol the refractive index on the metasurface and are tuned to result indifferent time delays for the light passing through different fins, ensuringthat all wavelengths reach the focal spot at the same time.




"One of the biggest challenges indesigning an achromatic broadband lens is making sure that the outgoingwavelengths from all the different points of the metalens arrive at the focalpoint at the same time," said Wei Ting Chen, a postdoctoral fellow at SEASand first author of the paper. "By combining two nanofins into oneelement, we can tune the speed of light in the nanostructured material, toensure that all wavelengths in the visible are focused in the same spot, usinga single metalens. This dramatically reduces thickness and design complexitycompared to composite standard achromatic lenses."

“在设计消色差宽带透镜方面面临的最大的挑战之一就是要确保超透镜(Metalenses)所有不同点的输出波长同时到达焦点,”SEAS的博士后研究员也是论文的第一作者Wei Ting Chen说, “通过将两个纳米薄膜结合到一个元件中,我们可以调整纳米结构材料中的光速,以确保可见光中的所有波长都聚焦在同一个点上,和合成的标准消色差镜片相比,使用一个超透镜(Metalenses)大大减少了厚度和设计复杂度。”


"Using our achromatic lens, we areable to perform high quality, white light imaging. This brings us one stepcloser to the goal of incorporating them into common opticaldevices such as cameras," said Alexander Zhu, co-author of the study.

这项研究的作者之一亚历山大·朱(Alexander Zhu)说:“使用我们的消色差透镜,我们可以生成高质量的白光成像,这使我们更加接近将它们整合到相机等常见光学设备中的目标。”


Next, the researchers aim to scale up thelens, to about 1 cm in diameter. This would open a whole host of newpossibilities, such as applications in virtual and augmented reality.



Flat 平的

Lens 镜头

Focus 聚焦

Entire 全部

Visible 可见的

Spectrum of light 光谱

Resolution 分辨率

Titanium 钛

Wavelength 波长

Chromatic 彩色的

Aberration 偏差

Nanostructure 纳米结构

Optics 光学

Bulky 庞大的

Curved 弯曲的

Stack 堆积

Foci 焦点

Distortion 扭曲

Achromatic 消色差的

Augmented 增强的